Thursday, November 1, 2012

Color Run Powders for Sale

Gulal webIf you are planning a Color Event (City Event, School, Non-Profit, Family Reunion, Birthday, Photo Shoot, Color Run,  etc.), contact us for wholesale prices. By purchasing from the temple you are getting an environmentally friendly product at the best price, as well as helping the temple to do its spiritual work.
We have six assorted colors (violet, green, yellow, pink, orange and light blue) in 100 gram bags. Corn starch, permissable food grade dyes, & fragrance. The "Enjoy Gulal" brand is extremely environmentally friendly, beautiful colors, and nicely scented. It is ideal for throwing horizontally and working into hair and onto skin.
Will not harm grass. If a large crowd throws the colors on grass be sure to hose the grass down next day, turn on the sprinkler system or pray for rain. Least likely to stain people and clothes if maximum amount is shaken out dry before showering or washing.
We are the largest dealer in in the USA, and do same day shipping. Prices for "Enjoy Gulal" are as follows:
1 to 199 bags $ 1.75 / 200 to 499 bags $ 1.50 / 500 to 999 bags $ 1.25 / 1,000 bags & up $ 1.00. These prices are subject to change, either up or down, depending on our supply and your demand. Check back monthly and note that we can only honor the prices posted on the day you make payment. At the moment because of very brisk sales we are unable to give bulk orders on orange and violet (we can fill smaller orders) but have plenty of yellow and green, and a few cases of light blue. We are receiving a large shipment of all colors on Nov 15th. After we recieve this shipment quantity prices will drop dramatically.
Shipping is $ 10.00 per 12 bags or less, $ 15.00 for 13 - 24 bags, and $ 60.00 for each box of 200 bags.
Canada only receives priority or express. Thus for Canadian shipments add 50 % to the shipping costs or give us your account number for UPS or Fedex, etc.
If you would like an overnight or express shipment to anywhere in the world, supply us a Fedex (DHL, USPS, etc.) Account number and pay only the cost of goods.
Our preferred method of remittance for domestic sales is through paypal in favor of Thus we can print the shipping label right from the remittance notice. If you have any questions or would like to pay through credit card, call Charu at (801) 787-1510.
Colors are: Light Blue, Pink, Green, Violet, & Yellow, and Orange.
Enjoy Blueweb
 Enjoy YellowwebEnjoy Pinkweb Enjoy GreenwebEnjoy Violetweb
We also have 7 bulk colors in 25 pound boxes available at $ 5.00 per pound or $ 125.00. Colors are  Yellow, Orange, Purple, Pink, Blue and Green, & Red. Shipping is $ 30 per 25 pound box within the USA. Allow 10 extra days manufacturing time for larger orders.
H70 energy topH50 courage topH10 iris toph60 royal pink topH100 sea blue toph40 power topH90 passion top

Holi, Festival of Colors Los Angeles

If you have friends in the La. area, share this news with them and invite them to share with their friends. For more information visit
La Poster Entertainersweb

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Holi Colors For Sale (Gulal)

Gulal webIf you are planning a Color Event (City Event, School, Non-Profit, Family Reunion, Birthday, Photo Shoot, Color Run,  etc.), contact us for wholesale prices. By purchasing from the temple you are getting an environmentally friendly product at the best price, as well as helping the temple to do its spiritual work.
We have six assorted colors (violet, green, yellow, pink, orange and light blue) in 100 gram bags. Corn starch, permissable food grade dyes, & fragrance. The "Enjoy Gulal" brand is extremely environmentally friendly, beautiful colors, and nicely scented. It is ideal for throwing horizontally and working into hair and onto skin.
Will not harm grass. If a large crowd throws the colors on grass be sure to hose the grass down next day, turn on the sprinkler system or pray for rain. Least likely to stain people and clothes if maximum amount is shaken out dry before showering or washing.
We are the largest dealer in in the USA, and do same day shipping. Prices for "Enjoy Gulal" are as follows:
1 to 99 bags $ 1.75 / 100 to 999 bags $ 1.50 / 1,000 to 1,999 bags $ 1.25 / 2,000 bags & up $ 1.00. These prices are subject to change, either up or down, depending on our supply and your demand. Check back monthly and note that we can only honor the prices posted on the day you make payment.
Shipping is $ 10.00 per 12 bags or less, $ 15.00 for 13 - 24 bags, and $ 60.00 for each box of 200 bags.
Canada only receives priority or express. Thus for Canadian shipments add 50 % to the shipping costs or give us your account number for UPS or Fedex, etc.
If you would like an overnight or express shipment to anywhere in the world, supply us a Fedex (DHL, USPS, etc.) Account number and pay only the cost of goods.
Our preferred method of remittance for domestic sales is through paypal in favor of Thus we can print the shipping label right from the remittance notice. If you have any questions or would like to pay through credit card, call Charu at (801) 787-1510.
Colors are: Light Blue, Pink, Green, Violet, & Yellow, and Orange.

Enjoy Blueweb
 Enjoy YellowwebEnjoy Pinkweb Enjoy GreenwebEnjoy Violetweb

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Holi Colors (Gulal) For Sale

Gulal webIf you are planning a Color Event (City Event, School, Non-Profit, Family Reunion, Birthday, Photo Shoot, Color Run,  etc.), contact us for wholesale prices. By purchasing from the temple you are getting an environmentally friendly product at the best price, as well as helping the temple to do its spiritual work.
We have six assorted colors (violet, green, yellow, pink, orange and blue ) in 100 gram bags. Corn starch, permissable food grade dyes, & fragrance. We are sold out of the Radha Krishna brand to the left, and not getting any more until December. The manufacturer will resume production only after the rainy season in October. The "Enjoy Gulal" brand is extremely environmentally friendly, beautiful colors, and nicely scented. It is ideal for throwing horizontally and working into hair and onto skin.
Will not harm grass. If a large crowd throws the colors on grass be sure to hose the grass down next day, turn on the sprinkler system or pray for rain. Least likely to stain people and clothes if maximum amount is shaken out dry before showering or washing.
We are the largest dealer in in the USA, and do same day shipping. Prices for "Enjoy Gulal" are as follows:
$ 1.75 up to 99 bags: $ 1.50 up to 499 bags: $ 1.25 up to 999, $ 1.00 up to 1,999, $ .85 after 2,000 bags.
Shipping is $ 10.00 per 12 bags or less, $ 15.00 for 13 - 24 bags, and $ 60.00 for each box of 200 bags.
Canada only receives priority or express. Thus for Canadian shipments add 50 % to the shipping costs.
If you would like an overnight or express shipment to anywhere in the world, supply us a Fedex Account number and pay only the cost of goods.
Our preferred method of remittance is through paypal in favor of Thus we can print the shipping label right from the remittance notice. If you have any questions or would like to pay through credit card, call Charu at (801) 787-1510.

Enjoy Blueweb
 Enjoy YellowwebEnjoy Pinkweb Enjoy GreenwebEnjoy Violetweb