Considering the success of the mission in the past 20 years in Utah Valley, wherein 88% of the population is Mormon, we feel confident in predicting more success at this Salt Lake City center - bigger festivals (imagine a Holi on 4 acres land here!), more devotees to join, education for the youth, Sunday school, urban summer camps, considerable gift store income, & the possibilities go on & on.
The property is well priced at $ 1,185,000. We request our well wishers and friends to partner with us in this great project by financially assisting in one or more of the following ways.
•Donate outright
•Become a guarantor for part of the loan amount ($100,000 & up).
•Give an interest free loan
•Loan the temple funds at lower than bank rate. (Bank rate will likely be 6.5% or 7 %, adjustable after 5 years).
Any of the above generous options on your part will save the temple thousands of dollars which would otherwise be paid to the bank.
Caru Das is standing by to chat with those of you who have been responsible for our present success & would be kind & enthusiastic enough to help us “keep the (butter) ball rolling.” (801) 787-1510